Independent Carrier Safety Association

Safety is the Goal with ICSA
The Independent Safety Carrier Association (ICSA) was formed to help independent truckers and small carriers with safety programs, education, technology and other resources to assist with improving safety while they travel across America's highways. The mission at ICSA is to help improve highway safety by providing access to tools and resources at costs normally reserved for larger fleets. There are many safety associations that provide resources and services to the freight industry, but what sets ICSA apart is its affordability. For as little as $100 per year, you can get access to everything this association has available to the trucking community.
SmartDrive Onboard Camera System
Alcohol & Drug Screening
Discounts on Commercial Truck Insurance
Benefits of ICSA Membership
ICSA offers many top tier safety programs to its members. As an ICSA member, you will have access to state-of-the-art in cab camera systems typically only available to larger fleets. ICSA also provides members with cost effective administrative services for drug and alcohol testing. In turn, these will help you save big on your truck insurance allowing you to qualify for coverage through Mohave Transportation Insurance Company. ICSA also helps you to secure discounts on fuel, tires, maintenance and roadside services.
Learn More and Join ICSA Today!
ICSA membership fees start at $100 for a carrier's first truck and $25 for each additional truck - up to a cap of $500 regardless of fleet size. Apply here to become a member of the Independent Carrier Safety Association. For more information, visit the official ICSA website at