Staff Spotlight: Krystal Pekar

In Featured, Newsletter Content by Savanna Vandenheuvel

Being a world traveler is just one of the many badges that Krystal wears. She and her family have traveled to exotic places such as: Honduras, Cozumel, Mahogany Bay, and even Belize. While on these expeditions, they take any chance they can get to experience the local foods, cultures, and more importantly, the local wildlife.

Growing up, Krystal always dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. She and her cousin even planned out an entire veterinary clinic that they would open in the jungle. However, after much thought and Krystal knowing her heart, she decided to shift her focus away from the medical side of supporting animals and over the years has volunteered her time and resources to supporting the animals in her local community. She has even instilled this love and passion for animals in her daughter.

During one of their family adventures to Cozumel, Mexico, Krystal and her daughter had the experience of a lifetime; they had the opportunity to swim with dolphins, and this dolphin interaction was one for the books. One of the key pieces of the experience was having the dolphin plant a big, wet kiss on you before you leave, and for Krystal’s daughter Kaylee, this was a first kiss like no other. At the time, Kaylee was only 6 years old and what should have just been a sweet, innocent, peck turned into an unforgettable story. As the dolphin was giving Kaylee her kiss, he gave her a little more than she had expected, and she swam away with two firsts. She not only had her first dolphin kiss, but she also lost her first tooth. The dolphin was a little too excited to give Kaylee her kiss and, in the process, managed to wiggle out her tooth. But don’t worry, Kaylee handled it like a champ and the tooth fairy brought her a special dolphin stuffed animal to always remind her of that special, once in a lifetime experience.

Being a mom is Krystal’s favorite role and because of this, she doesn’t want to miss anything. During her daughter Kaylee’s younger years, Krystal spent numerous hours volunteering in the classroom, coaching every sport imaginable, and even if there was a new hobby that her daughter wanted to learn, she was going to learn it too. Over the years, this has kept Krystal involved in all the big and little moments in her daughter’s life.

Now that Kaylee is a teenager, Krystal is working on building up her daughter’s independence and life skills. With a background in business and finance, Krystal is now dedicated to teaching her daughter how to plan for her future and one way that she is doing this is by starting a mother-daughter crafting business. They just recently finished the paperwork to get their business name locked in, and their business plan involves designing, creating, and selling trendy accessories such as necklaces, key chains, candles, and personalized glass wear. And to top it off, they will even have a social media aspect to their business where they will teach their customers about the process that goes into creating their unique items. This business venture is a way for Krystal to not only teach her daughter about the responsibilities that come with running a business, but it also gives her a chance to stay involved in her daughter’s life and instill some added confidence and independence during her teenage years.

Krystal is a dedicated mom and world traveler, and we love getting to hear about all her fun adventures with her family. Thank you, Krystal, for being a part of the TIS team and for always showing us the importance of dedicating time to the little moments and experiences in life.