Did you know every year interstate carriers are required to file with the United Carrier Registration? Even if you do not cross state lines but are registered as an interstate hauler, you are required to file your UCR before 12/31 for the following calendar year. Let us help with this end of the year filing so you can spend more time with your family this holiday season.
What is UCR? Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) is a program in which commercial motor vehicle drivers or companies engaged in interstate travel are required to register their business with participating states through an annual fee based on the size of their fleet. This fee is used to supplement funding for motor carrier registration and safety programs.
Enrollment for the UCR program is generally open from October through December of the previous year, with the UCR fee divided into brackets based on the number of vehicles owned or operated.
UCR is part of the federal highway reauthorization bill, which replaced the previous system for registering and collecting fees from commercial vehicle operators engaged in interstate travel and was enacted in August of 2005.
In the same way that we customize your trucking insurance policy to your specific needs, The Insurance Store is available to assist in making sure your UCR is up to date based on your fleet size and business operations. Contact our team of specialists today at 619-265-0236 or submit a request for more information online.